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Presentation of the course of study

The Degree Course in "Mechanical Engineering" trains engineers with a solid basic scientific background and an adequate command of the methods and technical-scientific contents of engineering, with specific skills in mechanical engineering. The knowledge and skills acquired are markedly interdisciplinary, so as to allow the graduate to perform highly diversified tasks, prepared to design, build, install, test, manage and control the machines and systems of general industrial use, the means to operate them and the related services. Together with the above mentioned main and characteristic skills, the mechanical engineer will be noted for possible activities of organization of industrial production departments and, in the professional field, for the study and design of technical systems for civil and industrial use. In its work it will be able to correctly frame its activities with respect to energy impacts, without neglecting the economic-managerial aspects of its proposals.
The graduate is able to continue his studies towards a Master's degree or a first level master's degree or to enter quickly and with good productivity in the world of work. The employment prospects are therefore broad because the mechanical engineer is of strategic importance in the business world, while maintaining niches of intervention relevant to the field of the profession. The graduates will in fact have the skills, in addition to the requirements provided by current legislation, to carry out professional activities in different fields (within the Professional Order of Engineers, sector B, "Junior Engineer", being the 'exercise of the professions of Engineer in various specializations regulated by the laws of the State). In order to respond to the needs of the various Interested Parties, with particular reference to local companies that show the greatest demand for first level graduates in Mechanical Engineering, some roles have been identified and for the definition of the related career opportunities, reference has been made to the Nomenclature and Classification of Professional Units (NUP) identified by ISTAT. With reference to Unit 2.2.1 - Engineers and similar professions, the following professional figure was identified. - Mechanical engineers; the professions included in this Professional Unit conduct research or apply existing knowledge in the field of mechanics to design, design and control functionally, to produce and maintain instruments, engines, machines and other mechanical equipment. They supervise and direct these activities, conduct research and studies on the technological characteristics of the materials used and their production processes.
To be admitted to the Degree Course, you must have a Secondary School Diploma or other suitable foreign qualification. Adequate initial preparation is also required in relation to the aspects listed below.
  • Verbal comprehension;
  • Attitudes to a methodological approach;
  • Knowledge of Mathematics (elements of arithmetic and algebra, Euclidean geometry, analytical geometry, trigonometry, elementary functions);
  • Knowledge of Physics (elements of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism);
  • Notions of Chemistry;
  • Elements of English language;
  • Computer literacy.


In order to favour a satisfactory training course for the students, as provided for by art.6, paragraph 1, of DM270/04, the Study Course provides for an entrance test, with identical procedures for all the Study Courses of the Engineering School, which, without hindering the student's enrolment, allows to verify the adequacy of their personal preparation and to identify any gaps in preparation to be recovered. The test is organized and coordinated by the Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso alla Scuola di Ingegneria ed Architettura (CISIA) (Interuniversity Consortium for Integrated Systems for Access to the School of Engineering and Architecture); it has an orientation purpose and allows to formulate, without favouring students coming from particular types of schools, an evaluation of aspirants based on the aptitude index, obtained as a weighted average between the score obtained in the test and the grade of the baccalaureate exam, in order to take into account the student's previous school career. For further details see the link. The student, who after the test is burdened with any educational debts (OFA), is offered a recovery path consisting of carrying out some additional activities, organized by the School and compatible with the timetable of the courses of the first year, they will be followed by some moments of verification, to check if the educational deficiencies have been recovered. The thresholds for assessing the knowledge required and the procedures for recovering any training debts are specified from year to year and published on the School's website.


The annual Didactic Planning document defines the activated teachings and the didactic calendar, establishing in particular the number of didactic periods in which the academic year is divided and the location of the activated teachings, taking into account that the normal activity of the student corresponds to the acquisition of about 60 credits per year. The student can obtain the title when he has obtained 180 credits, complying with the provisions of the competent Educational Structure.
The course of study is divided into:
First year, in which the basic subjects are provided to achieve a solid and common scientific language in mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science and materials as well as language skills.
Second year, in which knowledge and technical skills characterizing and qualifying for the class are provided, as well as related and transversal skills such as those in the field of Construction Science, with specific applications in the mechanical sector. During the second year, specific courses (curricula) are identified. During the second year, specific pathways (curricula) begin to be identified. The five activated pathways are named Mechanical, Scientific-Mechanical, Electrical/Automation, Energy, Professional and train mechanical engineers with specific insights in their respective fields of professional and industrial application.
The third year is dedicated to courses that can be directly linked to the specific training objectives of the courses. The completion of the in-depth studies in the basic subjects and the completion of the knowledge necessary to deal with the above mentioned master's degrees is foreseen. If the student does not wish to continue on the levels of higher education, he can choose to carry out an intense activity of internship in place of teachings of an educational nature. Regardless of this choice, this year there will be a free choice of activities and a final exam.
The teaching methods and tools with which the expected learning results are achieved are lessons and exercises in the classroom, practical exercises to be carried out independently, laboratory activities (computer, experimental and field), technical visits, internships at companies, public bodies, professional firms and engineering companies. The way in which the expected learning results are verified consists of formative evaluations (intermediate itinere tests where provided), aimed at detecting the performance of the class and the 'effectiveness of the learning processes, carried out in an agreed and planned manner; profit exams, aimed at assessing and quantifying with a vote the achievement of the overall objectives of the courses, which certify the degree of individual preparation of the students and can take into account any formative evaluations carried out during the course.
Each curriculum of the course of study provides no more than 20 exams or final evaluations of profit. Further details regarding the type of teaching, the methods of verification, any exam priorities to be met, together with the criteria for admission to subsequent years, will be specified, year by year, in the document of the annual educational planning of the course of study. In particular, for each module, the document will specify the exact name in accordance with the scientific-disciplinary field indicated.
The frequency of the CoS's training activities is generally not mandatory. For "Other" type F) training activities, the CoS may establish a compulsory attendance requirement, after consulting the Class Joint Committee. In order to favour a harmonious progression of studies, some examination priorities are foreseen. These precedents are considered necessary because all or part of the subjects developed in the preparatory courses constitute an indispensable body of knowledge in order to be able to deal profitably with the study of the course. The priorities are specified in the annual Didactic Planning document of the Course of Study.
The training activity includes lectures, seminars, preparatory research and workshops in order to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities capable of opening to the world of work.
Throughout the course of the university the knowledge learned by the student will be verified through written and oral exams of profit.
In order to be admitted to the final exam, the student must have acquired all the credits for the training activities provided for in the Study Plan.
The final test consists of an in-depth study of a subject dealt with in the teachings that characterize the course of study (chosen by a speaker or proposed by the candidate) based on consultation of technical and scientific bibliographic sources, including international, or on the development of an application and / or design. These activities will be described in a short paper in Italian or English that will be presented and discussed by the candidate during the graduation session.
For the students who carry out the internship, the final test consists in the preparation of an essay which shows the qualifying contents of the internship activity carried out. The papers will be evaluated by the degree committee. The graduation grade will be calculated by balancing the weighted average of the exams taken in the degree with an increase assigned by the graduation committee, which takes into account the evaluation of the final work and the time required to complete the training course (as a career incentive).
Master's Degree and Master's Degree.




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