School-work alternation with companies
In the field of professional training, the Degree Council in Mechanical Engineering intends to encourage the development of partnerships that allow the alternation of school-work and appropriate training courses through specific agreements with the industry.
A Memorandum of Understanding with Società Nuovo Pignone is already active in 2014 and may be extended to other industries in the mechanical sector for the development of a professional path for Mechanical Designer Designers (DPM). Conventions with other companies are currently being defined.
Within the framework of specific agreements with industry, in addition to the 18 CFU of Internship and Thesis to be carried out in the company, a significant integration between university education and experience in the company is envisaged for the following compulsory courses as well:
- Mechanical Design; 9 CFU(I year)
- Mechanical Technology; 9 CFU(II year)
- Machine construction+ LAB Project; 9 + 3 CFU(III year)
In addition to the professional courses listed below:
- Electric, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Drives
- Reliability, Safety and Environmental Sustainability of Mechanical Constructions
- Manufacturing Studies
The student concerned, in addition to opting for the professionalizing path, must submit his application for the internship in the company at the Società Nuovo Pignone or other companies that may join the initiative, in the manner that will be specified by the latter.
The initiative is also extended to students of non-professional courses, in this case the 12 CFU of internship will be additional, or the student will present, if selected, a personalized curriculum of 192 CFU; the student will retain the opportunities to access the LL.MM. indicated for the various courses and, at the same time, can take advantage of the opportunity to carry out activities in industry that allow them to pass curricular exams as described above.
If you enrol in the LL.MM. in Mechanical or Energy Engineering, you may request partial recovery (6 CFU) of your additional internship.